Where are the Exciting Careers in IT?

| March 10, 2009

If you think recruitment is the problem, then it may be time to re-evaluate how you're interacting with recruiters.  

Can working in IT be an exciting career? If you are working in IT for the right reasons then the answer is yes it definitely can be an exciting career choice.  In the IT Industry there are some amazing people and technologies that you can get the chance to work with. If you enjoy problem solving, working with technology and have an interest in what this industry offers then the opportunities can be endless. I am a believer in the saying you only get out of something what you put in – so no unfortunately you likely will not become CIO of a global company right out of University, you will have to work to gain the skills and experiences that will get you there in time, but the journey can be as exciting as the destination.

As a Recruiter for Oracle Corporation one of the topics that I see posted on many forums and online networks is how do you find out about job opportunities and why is that you may never see these jobs posted on a job board. I recently posted 5 trends I believe we are seeing in Recruitment hopefully these will help you in your job search. If you are not using Social Networking Tools to connect directly with Companies, set up an account (LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, etc..) and begin searching for and talking to the companies you want to be associated with.

1) Web 2.0 technologies will continue to gain acceptance and usage in the Recruitment Industry as a viable means of sourcing and connecting with candidates. I believe many Recruiters are on the periphery of many of the Web 2.0 technologies with LinkedIn now being the common online social tool used by Recruiters. The uptake of Web 2.0 Technologies in the Recruitment Industry will expand into deeper and more meaningful conversations as we utilise the technology available (blogs, facebook, twitter, branding).

2) Candidates increasingly will gather information from multiple sources about a potential employer. It used to be a Job Description and information from a potential hiring manager/company was all a candidate had access to, to get information about a company or role. Now candidates can access an online community that openly shares information and experiences with each other about potential hiring companies/managers. Decisions about joining your organisation can be influenced by people and groups out of your network or association that you have no control over.

3) Recruitment will be a much more transparent function than it has been in the past. Recruitment is still about connecting with candidates and hiring managers. In today's world however both candidates and clients alike have access to much more information about each other than ever before. We need to change our mindset to one where we share information about our processes and company (yes – the good, bad and ugly) rather than holding onto this information.

4) Our role as Recruiters is becoming a progressively more proactive service to our clients it will not only incorporate searching for and identifying talented individuals for our organisation but it also will include connecting with and engaging individuals/groups on employment branding. We will still be measured by hard targets such as number of placements, time to hire, candidate/interview/offer percentages, etc… however there will be more focus on soft targets or targets harder to measure such as employment branding, indirect hires, etc….

5) The ongoing shift from Job Boards to online networks will continue. Job Boards continue to play a part in the recruitment function however I think the trend of utilising other means of search will continue and there will be less reliance on Job Boards as a means of attracting candidates.

David Talamelli is a Principal Recruiter in the APAC region for Oracle Corporation. He has been in IT Recruitment for 10+ years and is a regular writer and contributor to Oracle's Recruitment Blog. If you have any questions or want to discuss further please feel free to email David at david.talamelli@oracle.com or reach him on his Twitter ID: DavidTalamelli