Tips to reduce stress

| December 2, 2013

Occasional moments of stress are normal, but they shouldn’t be our constant state of being. Edwina Griffin suggests how we can reduce stress and stay healthy.

Stress is part of our body’s natural response when faced with some kind of danger or emergency. The “fight or flight” response increases adrenalin production, elevating our heart rate and increasing mental focus, thus helping us to survive. But instead of experiencing stress as a short-term response to periods of danger, many people are living with their body in a constant state of stress. This leads to the body producing too much adrenalin, causing changes that can damage health.

Here are my 10 top tips to reduce stress:

1. Be grateful for what you have

You can’t practise gratitude and be depressed and angry at the same time, so the great news is that you can lift the dark cloud very quickly. Start each day by thinking of three things you are grateful for and notice how good you feel.

2. Choose your focus

Know that what we focus on is what our brain will create in our quantum field. So if we choose to focus on a problem, it will grow bigger, whereas if you choose to focus on something positive it will become your new focus of creation.

3. Choose your reaction

Some problems are out of your control; however, you can control how you react to problems. Taking responsibility for your reactions and behaviour gives back some control and choice to the situation.

4. Shift expectations

Often our attachment to a particular outcome creates stress when our expected outcome is not realised. If you release the need to control the outcome, it can shift a lot of the stress.

5. Change perspective

Looking at a situation from a different angle, reframing it to see it in a more positive light, can reduce stress.

6. Manage relationships

Choose to have positive people around you. If you find a relationship stressful, limit the time you spend with that person, or consider not exposing yourself to that relationship at all. This is about managing your environment so you are surrounded by people who support you, which in turn will help to keep you in a positive mood.

7. Manage your time

Plan and book things into your diary so you don’t stretch yourself too thinly. You will also stay on track and are likely to be more organised if you follow a schedule, thus reducing stress.

8. Food and exercise

Eating unhealthy food increases stress on the body, so nourish your body with healthy food. Exercise is important too, as it triggers the release of endorphins that give a feeling of wellbeing. Being fitter will also make you better able to cope with stress.

9. Release stress in your body

Doing yoga and having massages can release tension in the muscles and help release emotions. The emotional freedom technique is also a great tool to release stress from the body.

10. Laugh

Studies have shown that smiling and laughter shift brain chemistry. Laughter has also been shown to boost T-cell production and disease-fighting proteins (gamma interferon), lower blood pressure and reduce stress hormones. Laughter also triggers the release of endorphins that reduce our perception of pain and make us feel good.



  1. moiukh

    June 26, 2014 at 5:48 am

    3 Step Procedure to Mental Conditioning

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  2. chrisan

    November 6, 2014 at 12:21 pm


    The human mind can hold only one thought at a time prominently, since there is nothing to be gained. Everything in our Universe is made up of Energy and it is the Law of Attraction that brings it all together, this explains why atoms are attracted to some atoms and repelled by others. Everything is energy in motion. If one accepts this premise then: nothing is fixed, there are no limitations, and everything is vibrating Energy: be it all inanimate objects, including our physical body, and also our thoughts, desires, experiences, and so on. Vibrations are all around us, they are in us, they affect everything we do, and in turn they are everything we do.