• Counterpoint by Mark Nicol – The idea of democracy

    Mark Nicol     |      December 10, 2020

    Western liberal democracy has its deep but tangled roots in a host of religious as well as secular traditions, and its apparent decline can only be arrested by a reappreciation of rationality and individual merit.

  • How to keep the lights on in democracies

    Open Forum     |      November 5, 2020

    We need to work together to find ways to keep the light of democracy shining in our countries and all over the world. Because if we don’t, we will indeed face dark days ahead.

  • Doing democracy better

    Open Forum     |      October 15, 2020

    University of Canberra researchers from the Centre for Deliberative Democracy and Global Governance have received a funding boost to monitor “deliberative integrity”, a project which could prove crucial for Australian democracy.

  • Vox Populi

    Fergus Neilson     |      September 25, 2020

    Fergus Neilson analyses a snapshot of opinions on the condition of 21st century democracy and offers some ideas for reform.

  • Democracy has been a victim of COVID-19

    Tom Gerald Daly     |      June 11, 2020

    COVID-19 has had a dramatic impact on democracy worldwide, but some democracies are more resilient than others.

  • Getting our own house in order

    Michael Shoebridge     |      November 28, 2019

    Strengthening Australia’s democratic institutions will help ensure that Chinese state and corporate interference does not divide our society or undercut our national interests.

  • Arvanitakis on American politics: Why bipartisanship is hard

    James Arvanitakis     |      September 28, 2019

    Headlines highlighting President Trump’s erratic behaviour are masking a more worrying decline of faith in democracy and national unity across the free world. What are the factors driving us apart, and what, if anything, can we do about them?

  • Australian democracy demands a proper debate

    Dominic O'Sullivan     |      August 20, 2019

    Australian democracy is failing to deal with the complex interrelationships between coal and climate change, regional security interests, human rights and trade but today’s political culture of slogans and disengagement from proper debate and scrutiny makes it harder still.

  • Democracy is good for your health

    Open Forum     |      March 17, 2019

    Living in a democracy is closely linked with better health for adults thanks to an increase in government spending, according to international researchers.

  • Searching for Democracy 2.0 without losing Democracy 1.0

    Tom Daly     |      October 11, 2018

    Reimagining and safeguarding democracy around the world requires new ways of thinking which chart a course between alarmism and complacency.

  • The entrepreneurs of hate

    Ian Hughes     |      October 10, 2018

    Where does hate come from, and why has it played such a role in recent political history? Ian Hughes’ new book “Disordered Minds: How Dangerous Personalities are Destroying Democracy: examines the issue in depth.

  • How democracy ends

    Mark Beeson     |      October 8, 2018

    The rise of populists, a growing number of authoritarian regimes and an apparent loss of confidence in democratic politicians have all contributed to the idea that democracy is in serious trouble.