• Media

    Is print kaput?

    Andrea Carson |  September 14, 2024

    While the future of printed Australian newspapers is uncertain, it doesn’t spell the end of newspapers – or of a Murdoch’s influence on the news.

  • Human Interest

    Ancient angst

    Konstantine Panegyres |  September 14, 2024

    As we near the end of Year 12 and the HSC, young people all over Australia and wondering what comes next, but rest assured, some of history’s greats went through it too.

  • Environment

    One world to share

    Open Forum |  September 14, 2024

    Earth will only remain able to provide even a basic standard of living for everyone in the future if economic systems and technologies are dramatically transformed and critical resources are more fairly used, managed and shared, according to an international research team.

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  • Uncategorised

    Government suppression of cheaper energy

    DaS Energy     |      February 1, 2008

    Government raising energy costs to inflate revenue.

     Government supressing technology efiiciency.

    Govermnent interfrence in free market supresses lower cost.

    At what price do we keep burning Coal.

    Eleven times the true tarriff rate for power.

  • Uncategorised

    Cost Comparison of Energy

    DaS Energy     |      February 1, 2008

    Government price fixing high energy cost costing more than eleven times it market rate.

    Recapturing Carbon is a cost added to burnt coal.

    Not releasing Carbon is a cost subtracted. 

    This is Australia.

  • Uncategorised

    Thoughts on innovation: What are the incentives for risk-taking?

    Peter Fritz     |      January 31, 2008

    There is often confusion over the terms "creative thinking" and "innovation". Many view them as one and the same, but in reality they are very different. One means ideas, the other means action.

  • Uncategorised

    Motherhood in Australia

    editor     |      January 30, 2008

    Whether you have embarked on motherhood, planning for it or just thinking about it, Open Forum would love to hear your thoughts on the real experience of motherhood in Australia. Our two new surveys "Myths & Facts of Maternity" and "Motherhood for Baby Boomers" are short and simple to complete with an opportunity to participate in an upcoming online discussion about maternity leave and current government policy. With the debate raging over what entitlements and options should be on offer to women who leave the workforce to have children, this is your chance to have your say on an issue that really matters to women and their families.

  • Uncategorised

    Why a skills focus matters

    proberts     |      January 28, 2008

    Skills and innovation ensure our role in a world awash with cheap labour.

    It is fashionable to think that China and India, with their massive populations, are emerging as a pair of ‘ultimate competitors’ which will knock Australia for six economically.

    But that is not how things are turning out, despite China’s great strengths in manufacturing and India’s in information technology services. In both cases rising labour costs and shortages of highly skilled labour show there are limits to their competitiveness that offer opportunity for Australia. High level managers and knowledge workers in Chinese manufacturing and Indian services companies cost just about as much to employ as they do in Australia. The Chinese and Indian advantages remain in lower level, repetitious work which itself has to be directed and guided by more skilled professionals.

  • Uncategorised

    Paid maternity leave is not a capricious feminist whim

    tamaraplakalo     |      January 20, 2008


    A sociology lecturer once gave me a valuable piece of advice: “If you want a government to act on an issue, make sure you tell them how much it is going to cost them if they don’t.”


    Understanding that this suggestion was probably truer today than at any other time in history, I recently set out to find some information on the cost of not providing paid maternity leave to the working women of Australia. Surprisingly – or not, I have found no information of the kind.

  • Uncategorised

    Something is rotten in the state of … news-reporting

    tamaraplakalo     |      January 17, 2008


    So, let’s see … in the last seven days the Australian share-market lost ground on each consecutive day with no recovery in sight … the Australian Embassy in Kabul was attacked by the Taliban in a guerrilla-style attack … one child has died from malnutrition while you were reading this sentence … someone, somwhere has made an amazing discovery … Yet, the “buzz-iest” news item in the Australian mediascape over the last week was the story of the Victorian party-boy Corey ‘I don’t take my sunglasses off indoors or outdoors’ Delaney, whose contribution to the newsworhiness-starved staple of the mainstream media has been … well, what exactly?


  • Swallows flying by: the small flock grows

    Malcolm Crompton     |      January 14, 2008

    And now Ernst & Young have released their swallow, after the earlier ones seen in Privacy gains attention over the Christmas New Year break. Does a swallow or two make a Spring?, then Another swallow flew by, but who was looking?

  • The curse of the rule maker. But there’s a lesson in it.

    Malcolm Crompton     |      January 13, 2008

    Stephen Wilson made an excellent point in his comment "Privacy movement deja vu" on my blog on "Another swallow flew by, but who was looking?"

  • Another swallow flew by, but who was looking ?

    Malcolm Crompton     |      January 12, 2008

    Since posting "Privacy gains attention over the Christmas New Year break. Does a swallow or two make a Spring?", there has been another swallow of sorts.

    But not everybody has been watching or maybe it is typical Spring weather.

  • Privacy gains attention over the Christmas New Year break. Does a swallow or two make a Spring?

    Malcolm Crompton     |      January 3, 2008

    We are in an interesting period of leadership change.  In Australia, we elected a new federal government at the end of 2007.  The UK has a new PM & the USA will have a new president by the end of 2008.

    Is the privacy debate changing too, reflecting a new mood?

  • Uncategorised

    Some things never change

    alison gordon     |      December 19, 2007

    In an odd way it’s comforting to know that despite the “effort” to break down the social and cultural stereotypes and unflattering tags that have attached themselves to various geographic areas of Sydney, at the end of the day many of them live on with vengeance.