• Society

    Seven steps to success in scaling social programmes

    Breanna Wright |  July 1, 2024

    A new online resource outlines a seven-step process to help program managers and social innovators expand a program and deliver it at scale.

  • Politics and Policy

    Women in diplomacy

    Elise Stephenson |  July 1, 2024

    Australia has made remarkable strides in gender equality in diplomacy, achieving near parity in its Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. However, globally, women remain underrepresented in diplomacy, highlighting the need for continued efforts to address gender disparities and ensure equal representation worldwide.

  • Society

    The dire debate

    Adam Bartley |  July 1, 2024

    Joe Biden looked old against an unrepentant Donald Trump in the first presidential debate of the 2024 US Presidential election. What can be gleaned from perhaps the worst Presidential debate in history?

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    Facing Up to Reality

    alison gordon     |      July 26, 2007

    The Girl Guides changing approach to young women from potential housewives and good deed doers to savvy, independent individuals.

  • Uncategorised

    The Demise of Accountability

    alison gordon     |      July 18, 2007

    Is the problem that nobody has made athletes painfully aware that like every other individual in society they are (or should be) completely accountable for their actions?

  • Uncategorised

    When does a key become an identifier?

    StephenWilson     |      July 10, 2007

    Should we re-visit the intuition that identities can be federated?  Do we really know what it means to "add up" a bank card and a Medicare card?  Do we have the mathematics to do such a thing with rigor, asks Stephen Wilson.

    I wonder …

    Is a passport an "identifier"?
    Is a drivers licence an identifier?
    Is a credit card an identifier?
    Is a professional membership card an identifier?
    Is a building access card an identifier?
    Is a house key an identifier?
    Is a car key an identifier?

    Or putting the questions another way …

  • Uncategorised

    Knowledge and technology are key to value creation

    Steve Vamos     |      July 10, 2007

    SYDNEY – Just as the agrarian society gave way to the industrial revolution, the industrial society is giving way to one where knowledge and innovation are the key drivers of economic value and wealth creation.

    As organisations from all sectors come to rely more on knowledge-intensive resources and technology for value creation, it is clear that an organisation’s ability to foster, manage and profit from the knowledge of its people and their capacity to innovate will be the key to its future success. However, as an economy and a nation we are challenged to find meaningful, consistent and reliable ways to successfully deal with these things often called "intangibles".

    As managers, leaders and citizens, we must explore and address the challenge of understanding value in this new knowledge-based era. Managing a business, government agency or an economy in this time requires new understanding and skills if we are to continue to prosper.

  • Uncategorised

    The role of the workplace in achieving work/life balance

    alison gordon     |      June 14, 2007

    The term “work/life balance”, and the struggle for most to attain it, is rapidly gaining awareness in the workplace.

  • Uncategorised

    Changing the Concept of Productivity

    alison gordon     |      June 13, 2007

    Which sounds like a more successful business to you – one that understands that offering flexible working practices is vital to attracting and retaining employees, or one that views the number of hours an employee sits at their desk (regardless of what they are actually doing) as a key performance indicator?

  • Uncategorised

    Why should we value intangible assets?

    tamaraplakalo     |      June 12, 2007

    At its most obvious, when unmeasured, intangible assets amount to unmanaged risk.

    The debate on the perceived need to measure

    the value of organisational intangible assets

    has been around for over 30 years. But the complexity of the issue has consistently obscured the benefit of numerous attempts to bring accounting and valuation practices up to date with the realities of the post-industrial economy. In the balance-sheet approach to the world, intangible assets – be they human resources, processes, brands, intellectual capital, customer goodwill or the value of IT-underpinned productivity, are somehow considered to be divorced from the cash-flow. They are therefore deemed irrelevant in determining a company’s current or future value.

  • TALK OPENLY: The Hon. Tony Abbott, Minister for Health and Ageing, Answers Your Questions

    editor     |      May 30, 2007

    In an effort to facilitate a higher level of consultation between our community and key decision makers, Open Forum has invited a number of thought leaders to facilitate an Open Forum discussion. Our first “Talk Openly” session will be facilitated by The Hon Tony Abbott, Minister for Health and Ageing. Details of the session will be posted in our Events section.