• Business

    Empowering older workers

    Sharifah Rose Ee |  July 8, 2024

    Australia isn’t the only country looking for new ways to help older employees “find their groove” and stay relevant in an ever-changing workplace.

  • Health

    Integrating wellbeing into mental health research

    Lilly Matson |  July 8, 2024

    New research suggests mental wellbeing should be measured alongside standard tests for mental health conditions.

  • Health

    Junk food diet

    Open Forum |  July 8, 2024

    Ultra processed foods comprise nearly half our diet but are linked to at least 25 chronic diseases, prompting calls for junk food to be regulated in the same way as tobacco products.

Latest Story

  • Introducing Keir Starmer

    Ben Worthy     |      July 7, 2024

    The true test of Prime Minister Starmer will come when his methodical approach meets a messy world.

  • A hard day’s night

    Alison Blair     |      July 7, 2024

    Pop stars like Elvis and the Beatles were a common staple of cinemas in the 1960s, as well as the radio waves.

  • Saving lives from opioids

    Louisa Picco     |      July 7, 2024

    Naloxone is a safe and effective medicine that reverses the effects of an opioid overdose, so why has its uptake been so slow?

  • Was it The Sun wot won it?

    David Rowe     |      July 6, 2024

    It is common wisdom that right-wing British newspapers help shape its political climate, so why has the Labour Party swept to power in a historic landslide victory?

  • Don’t put all your eggs in one basket

    Andrew Henderson     |      July 6, 2024

    Eggs are the latest staple food to be in short supply in Australia’s supermarkets, amplifying calls for a proper food security strategy.

  • Playing by the rules

    William Winberg     |      July 6, 2024

    The much-vaunted “rule based international order” needs the support of mid-tier nations to survive the aggression of authoritarian states.

  • ASIC under the microscope

    Jason Harris     |      July 5, 2024

    A new Senate report calls for Australia’s corporate watchdog, the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC), to be replaced by 2 more responsive regulatory agencies.

  • Early warning alert

    Chris Taylor     |      July 5, 2024

    Dictators and hostile states from Hitler’s Germany to Putin’s Russia and Xi’s China tend to flag their actions long before the shooting starts, and a new national Centre to issue strategic warnings of all types could help Australia prepare.

  • Four wheels bad, two wheels good

    Dorina Pojani     |      July 5, 2024

    Encouraging more people to cycle rather than drive could involve ditching mandatory helmet laws.

  • A healthy Australia

    Open Forum     |      July 4, 2024

    Australians’ overall health continues to fare well when compared with similar countries despite significant impacts from the COVID-19 pandemic and ongoing burden of chronic conditions.

  • NATO at 75

    Robert Wihtol     |      July 4, 2024

    NATO’s visibility has waxed and waned, but Russia’s war of aggression on Ukraine has put the alliance firmly in the spotlight and may be its greatest challenge to date.

  • It’s life, Jim, but not as we know it

    Sherry Landow     |      July 4, 2024

    It’s not every day that you find out you’ve been sharing your desk with an ancient life form which may be half as old as Earth itself.