Facts, faith and the future

| November 21, 2021
Most of us are aware that the world is warming. This change of environment causes an alteration in the abilities of plants to proliferate.
Some of our important crops, including wheat, rice, barley, oats and the green vegetables we tend to rely on in the West, are now having to be cultivated in fewer areas as rainfall and temperature changes.
This does not affect us very much in Australia since we have a wide variety of areas to use. However, in less developed countries this is not a consideration and governments are finding that as less land becomes available for food crops, either the population has to be decreased or the available land area must be used more productively.
The lands to the East of the Mediterranean are not naturally productive for food crops. It is beginning to appear that the controlling entities in those areas are now resorting to forcing a population decline.
In order to accomplish this decrease, they are picking on minority groups which for various reasons are not able to become part of the majority; either for religious reasons or because they stand out as being ‘different’ in some way such as accent, colour or way of life.
The easiest way of defining a group in these areas is often by religious affiliation and this, unfortunately is also the way to engender hatred amongst the remainder of the population. The majority of the peoples in these areas are uneducated and illiterate, so easily swayed by those who can interpret the holy book or laws in any way they wish.

The easiest way to obtain a mass following has always been by associating religion with the perceived goal a leader wishes to achieve, from the Crusades to Henry VIII’s formation of the Protestant Church.

The general mass of people tend to accept religion unquestioningly and therefore find it difficult to argue against a particular doctrine or interpretation of that doctrine.

Personality profile psychological test results have shown that many religious leaders have a strong leaning towards leadership and control. Under normal circumstances this is quite acceptable – the parish priest is expected to lead his flock.

However, when the ordinand becomes powerful enough to sway the leaders of a country the distinction between the cardinal and the spiritual becomes blurred.

History has shown that political leadership is not entirely compatible with religious leadership – in politics there must be more give and take that in the spiritual realm: no-one really knows what God wants, or thinks, or plans even though some of our religious leaders appear to believe otherwise.

Religious leaders are trained in the spiritual realm, political leaders are trained in the more worldly realm of opportunism. In a world which is changing rapidly, maybe we should start thinking of leadership based on science and logic more that our current methodology.