• Walking in a sea of pink this Mother’s Day

    Sharon Morris     |      May 10, 2013

    The annual Mother’s Day fun run and walk is a very special way to celebrate Mother’s Day. The community event raises funds for research and increases awareness of breast cancer, says Sharon Morris from Women in Super Mother’s Day Classic.

  • The NDIS levy – a new era for tax, trust and open government?

    Craig Wallace     |      May 6, 2013

    After the government announcement to increase the Medicare levy to help fund the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), Craig Wallace, President of People with Disability Australia, focusses on what this means for broader debates around taxation and accountability.

  • Mother’s Day Classic

    Open Forum     |      May 6, 2013

    Every year on Mother’s Day, (12 May 2013) the Mother’s Day Classic walk or run raises money for National Breast Cancer Foundation (NBCF) research programs and awareness of breast cancer in the community.

  • Shine On – 25 years of transforming young lives

    Louise Baxter     |      May 3, 2013

    Starlight Children’s Foundation celebrates its biggest annual fundraiser, Starlight Day. Louise Baxter, CEO of Starlight, explains how the Foundation is aiming to raise $1.5 million to transforming the experience of hospitalisation and treatment for seriously ill children across Australia.

  • Are Abbott’s careful words a smokescreen on RU486?

    Lee Rhiannon     |      May 2, 2013

    After the announcement that the abortion drugs RU486 and Misoprostol could be approved for tax subsidy by the government, Greens senator for NSW Lee Rhiannon questions the motives of Tony Abbott’s careful reaction.

  • Starlight Day

    Open Forum     |      April 29, 2013

    The Starlight Foundation is celebrating 25 years of transforming the lives of seriously ill children and their families on Starlight Day, 3 May 2013.

  • Bound Together: Research shows children with Autism are attached to their parents

    Nancy Sadka and Josephine Barbaro     |      April 24, 2013

    A common view of autistic children is that they are unable to form emotional attachment. Nancy Sadka from the Olga Tennison Autism Research Centre shows that they indeed do exhibit a secure attachment towards their caregiver.

  • Population ageing beyond the balance sheet

    Rafal Chomik     |      April 16, 2013

    As the population ages, Rafal Chomik, Senior Research Fellow at the ARC Centre of Excellence in Population Ageing Research (CEPAR), lays out the research about how Australians might use their additional healthy years after retirement.

  • Redefining old age: Baby Boomers re-write the history books

    Garry Jennings     |      April 4, 2013

    As Australia’s Baby Boomers get older, Baker IDI Heart and Diabetes Institute Director, Garry Jennings, examines how a new-found sense of longevity is redefining the ageing process.

  • A new age for Australia’s workforce

    Neil Batt     |      April 3, 2013

    Australian Centre for Health Research Executive Director, the Hon. Neil Batt, discusses the history of Australia’s pension scheme and questions whether a standard retirement age is still relevant in the 21st century.

  • Purple Day – educating the world about epilepsy

    Carol Ireland     |      March 26, 2013

    On Purple Day, Epilepsy Action Australia CEO, Carol Ireland, explains why we need to raise awareness about epilepsy and breakdown lingering misconceptions.

  • Australian Curriculum online consultation

    Open Forum     |      March 7, 2013

    The Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) is conducting an online consultation on draft national curricula, from Foundation to Year 10, concerning health and physical education, Chinese and Italian language education, design and technologies, and digital technologies.