3 ways to fix the skills shortage
Pi-Shen Seet | August 28, 2022We hear the term “skills shortages” all the time in media and policy debates about jobs and the economy. But what skills do we need, and more importantly, how do we get them?
Building skills at home
Pi-Shen Seet | October 30, 2021Rather than poach skilled migrants from abroad, Australia should address skills shortages by training more people at home.
Preparing for the future of work
Pi-Shen Seet | February 19, 2020The nature of work is changing in a world of automation, artificial intelligence, robotics, machine learning and digitalisation, so what sort of jobs should young people prepare for?
The future of vocational training
Pi-Shen Seet | May 31, 2019The VET sector is struggling to keep up with the rapid changes in industry, but while the government keeps talking about revamping vocational training, is it actually making any progress?