Halving emissions by 2030
Isabelle Dubach | April 6, 2022Incremental change is not enough if we want to limit temperature rises to 1.5°C, says the IPCC’s Working Group III, which includes UNSW sustainability expert Tommy Wiedmann.
An ecological balance sheet for the Royal National Park
Isabelle Dubach | September 9, 2021Professor Richard Kingsford will lead a new ecological health assessment of Australia’s oldest national park.
Eastern wetlands face further decline
Isabelle Dubach | December 17, 2020Recent rains have seen Eastern Australia’s remaining wetlands and waterbirds partially recover from the drought, but drainage and water use by agriculture continues to threaten their future.
Bilbies return to Sturt National Park
Isabelle Dubach | September 27, 2020An iconic nocturnal marsupial has been reintroduced into a feral-free area created by a UNSW-led project. Bilbies create a whole range of habitats by digging for insects, seeds and plant roots, and helping water and carbon infiltrate the soil.
The tiny plants that hold deserts together
Isabelle Dubach | August 2, 2020Miniscule plants growing on desert soils can help drylands retain water and reduce erosion, UNSW researchers have found, but are threatened by over-grazing.
Eating the Earth
Isabelle Dubach | June 25, 2020If we want to mitigate and solve the many global environmental issues the world is facing, we can’t rely on technology alone.
How to quarantine yourself at home
Isabelle Dubach | April 14, 2020You can reduce your household’s risk by following these tips from UNSW medical researcher Dr Sacha Stelzer-Braid and collaborator A/Prof. Euan Tovey.
Rethinking coastal infrastructure
Isabelle Dubach | November 19, 2019How much should we be building along global coasts vulnerable to climate change? A new framework by UNSW scientists delivers some much-needed answers.
Preparing for Mars – in the outback
Isabelle Dubach | September 3, 2019UNSW scientists have shown a group of Mars specialists the secrets of the remote Pilbara’s ancient rocks to prepare for NASA’s and ESA’s future missions to the red planet.
Global commission into mental illness offers blueprint for change
Isabelle Dubach | July 18, 2019A taskforce of more than 30 international experts have released a report on the health inequities experienced by people with mental illness and offered recommendations to reduce social inequalities and personal distress.
Understanding our cravings for alcohol and fast food
Isabelle Dubach | July 5, 2019A UNSW psychology experiment has shown why it can be so hard to direct our attention away from cues that might lead to behaviour we’d like to avoid, like drinking alcohol and eating unhealthy food.
Half of NSW’s coastal dwellers don’t think sea levels will affect them
Isabelle Dubach | June 9, 201950% of surveyed NSW coastal users don’t think a rise in sea levels will affect them, according to a new report into the NSW community’s views on coastal hazards.