A plea for progress on climate change

| June 12, 2024

The present positions of all political parties in Australia on how to reduce our carbon emissions is completely complicated by the government and opposition method of determining the correct way forward as is practiced by Australians generally.

In this debate on climate change there are so many variables and so many fears and false hoods every one becomes confused.

We are a smart country with smart people but we need to join together rather than just be critical of each other. No one side is either right or wrong.

Our parliament should be a forum for gathering all the relevant information and advice and deciding on the most acceptable way forward.

So we need all federal parliamentary members to sensibly discuss, consider expert advice, consider the public’s fears and dreams in an open way on all aspects of the climate change debate to come up with a consensus decision that is binding that we follow as a government.

Time won’t allow any more prevarication.

We need “ statesmanship”.

Someone to stand tall and end the stupid bickering so we can get on with what is required. Maybe our new Governor General could fill that role.